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Duration of Halotherapy Treatments:


The most extensive research on halotherapy treatments has arguably been performed by Russia and the former Soviet Union along with Eastern European countries.   The result is a listing of proposed time schedules for halotherapy treatments taken from the following sources:


  • MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Halotherapy Application in Treatment and Rehabilitation of Respiratory Diseases, Methodical Recommendation No. 95/111, Moscow 1995 

  • Methodical recommendation was discussed and approved by the Scientific Board of the Institute of Pulmonology of the Russian Federation. 

  • Clinical-Research Respiratory Center, St. Petersburg – Doctors A.V. Chervinskaya, S.I. Konovalov, O.V. Strashnova, N.G. Samsonova 

  • Institute of Pulmonology of the Russian Federation, Moscow – Doctors A.G. Chchalin, I.D. Apulcina, I.E. Furman, A.A. Bondarenko, M.V. Samsonova

  • Pavlov National Medical University, St. Petersburg – Doctors M.S. Pluzhnikov, A.N. Aleksandrov, I.M. Raznatovskiy, N.N. Tretyakova, K.N. Monach.


In Russia, doctors routinely prescribe halotherapy.  


Suggested time schedule for halotherapy treatments:
Each session is 45 minutes long and they should be done as consecutively as possble with the minimum being 3 times a week for challenging chronic conditions.  Back to back sessions - two in a row can be greatly beneficial for sinus and skin conditions but are not always recommended for chronic lung conditions.


Adenoiditis:   14-18 halotherapy sessions

Asthma – intermittent, mild:   12-14 

Asthma – moderate, severe:    18-21

Bronchiectatic disease:  20-25

Bronchitis - acute:   12-14

Bronchitis - recurrent:   12-14

Bronchitis -Chronic Obstructive (COPD):  18-21

Bronchitis - Chronic simple: 18-21

Cystic fibrosis:   20-25

Environmental pollutants -After contact with industrial and household pollutants: 12-14

Hay fever:   12-14

Multi-chemical sensitivity syndrome:  12-14

Pharyngitis (chronic) and tonsillitis:  14-18

Pneumonia after acute stage 12-14

Respiratory infections:  5-7 or 2x/wk for prevention

Sick building syndrome: 12-14

Sinusitis - acute:   3-5

Sinusitis - chronic:  14-18

Skin pathology:   8-25

Smokers:   12-14

Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusopathy 14-18​



According to the experience gleaned from one of the oldest salt caves in the USA, St. Louis Salt Caves in Missouri, "about 40% of chronic sufferers experience a worsening of symptoms before getting better.  This is common with therapies that promote actual healing instead of just masking symptoms."


While every session is beneficial, multiple sessions allow most people to experience a period of remission from their conditions.


Salt Therapy is not a substitute for medical treatment and diagnosis of any health condition. It is recommended that you seek medical advice relating to your health problems; do not neglect regular medical check-ups; do not change or top taking your medication and treatment without consulting the physician. Patients with high blood pressure need doctor’s consent. Pregnant women need doctor’s consent.

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