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Sleeping disorders in the USA continue to increase.  According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 62% of all Americans have trouble sleeping at least a few times per week, and around 30% of all adults have insomnia each year.


Although the neurotransmitter serotonin has been associated with a calming effect in regard to mood, countless studies now show that when serotonin levels are too high, serotonin irritation syndrome can soon follow resulting in such symptoms as agitation, insomnia and even seizures.  Negative ions are said to help to lower serotonin levels and may promote healthy sleep patterns. A salt cave is a center for high negative ions.


A 1987 study in Biological Psychiatry exposed 8 mani-depressive patients to negative ions to treat their symptoms.  Of the eight, seven subjects experienced improved sleep from lowered serotonin levels.


In 1993, researchers Reilly and Stevenson exposed male subjects to negative ions and measured physiolical responses including body temperature, heart rate and respiration while at rest and during exercise.  Negative ions were found to significantly improve all physiological states, particularly during rest.





The salt cave at the Vermont Salt Caves and & Halotherapy Center is an environment inspired by nature.  It provides a high level of negative ions to provide tranquility and relaxation whilst at the same time revitalizing one's energy.  Most clients will find that within 15 minutes of their salt therapy, they are completely relaxed as they listen to specially selected musical tracts and chances are, they will fall asleep.  At the end of the session, the rich negative ion microclimate within the salt cave makes for a rejuvenating experience.

Salt Therapy plan for Insomnia
Sleeping in Green Sheets
Scientific Research on negative ions as a treatment for insomnia

Biol Psychiatry (Jan 1987):  22(1): 107-1110

The Calming effects of negative air ions on manic patients: a pilot study


J. Hum Ergol (Tokyo) 9Jun 1993):  22(1): 1-9.


An investigation of the effects of negative air ions on responses to submaximal exercise at different times of day.




Services at Vermont Salt Cave Spa and information on our website, Facebook or any written publications are provided for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition.

48 Main Street

Montgomery Center, VT 05471

© 2023

 by Vermont Salt Cave & Halotherapy Center.


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