Yoga in the Jay Peak area of Northern Vermont
The purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body. While there are more than 100 different types, or schools, of yoga, most sessions typically include breathing exercises, meditation, and assuming postures (sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups. According to the American Osteopathic Assocaition the benefits of incorporating yoga into your lifestyle include:
Lessen chronic pain such as lower back pain, arthritis, headaches and carpal tunnel syndrome
Increased flexibility
Increased muscle strength and tone
Improved respiration, energy and vitality
Cardio and circulatory health
Improved athletic performance
Protection from injury
Lower blood pressure
Reduce insomnia
Maintaining a balanced metabolism
Weight reduction
Aside from the physical benefits, one of the best benefits of yoga is how it helps a person manage stress, which is known to have devastating effects on the body and mind. Stress can reveal itself in many ways, including back or neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse, and an inability to concentrate.
Yoga is recognized as being very effective in developing coping skills and reaching a more positive outlook on life and emotional stability. Excessive emotions like anger, hatred, passion, depression are neutralized with calmness replacing anxiety, and confidence replacing negativity.
Vermont Salt Caves and Halotherapy Center are seeking an experienced yoga instructor interested in offering a yoga class at our lovely salt cave in Montgomery Center, Vermont.