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Paddling in northern Vermont

Perhaps because the old mill town of Richford is a trailhead for the Northern Forest Canoe Trail, a 740 mile ancient waterway that spans Maine, New Hampshire, Quebec, Vermont and upstate New York, paddling is a favorite past-time for locals and visitors alike. Whether you enjoy kayaking, canoeing or paddle boarding, whether you are experienced or a beginning paddler, whether you are young or old, paddling by yourself or with a family or group, paddling in northern Vermont should not be missed.  The companies below offer guided tours or equipment rentals of canoes, kayaks and paddle boards in northern Vermont.

Montgomery Adventures

262 Deep Gibou Road
Montgomery Center, VT 05471

(802) 370-2103





First Trax

40 Main Street,

Montgomery Center, VT 05471   




Paddle North


(802) 585.0961




Northern Forest Canoe Trail

P.O. Box 565
Waitsfield, VT 05673
(802) 496-2285




Clyde River Recreation

2355 VT oute 105
West Charleston VT 05872
(802) 895-4333




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