Reiki Therapy
Reiki is a healing modality aimed at promoting balance and well being. It is a gentle treatment using light touch or no touch where clients remain fully clothed​. According to the Vermont Reiki Association:
Reiki promotes health and reduces stress
Reiki enhances medical and complementary therapies
Reiki can bring perspective and wisdom to the challenges of your career, relationships and finances
Reiki helps to balance and enliven your life
Reiki can also be used for the animals in your life
Reiki carries no known risks
Below is a list of Reiki practitioners in northern and central Vermont. We make every effort to make this list as comprehensive as possible but if any of the information is inaccurate or there is a Vermont Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master not on the list, please let us know.

Sue Scott - Westfield
(802) 744-2433
Purple Lavender Coaching and Wellness
145 Pine Haven Shores Suite 2167
Shelburne VT 05482
802) 324-3391